if only life was this simple
In a world of crime, drugs and anti social behaviour wouldn't it be nice if this is all we had to worry about:
Golf club members can untuck shirts at the 19th
Golfers at a club in Somerset can now wear their shirts outside their trousers.Wells Golf Club, which was established in 1893, had a strict dress code on and off the course until more youthful members objected to being told to tuck their shirts in.
They became so fed up with being unable to wear their shirts outside their trousers, they called an extraordinary vote on the issue.
The Times says to the horror of some older members the vote was passed by 40 votes to 20. The motion to untuck shirts at Wells Golf Club was proposed by Phil Slater, a 54-year-old businessman.
He said: "The fact that we want to untuck our shirts in the clubhouse will not lead to a slipping of standards. We just wanted to move with the times and be a bit more fashionable."
Club chairman Richard Birch said those against the idea believed untucked shirts look scruffy and would lead to a dropping of standards.
He added: "The younger players argued that their shirts are often very expensive and meant to be worn on the outside and that it would not make any difference to their behaviour or appearance.
"As soon as the vote was passed a few people immediately pulled their shirts out."