Watch what you wear
Well it’s been an interesting week, golf free for 2 weeks now whilst this shoulder problem sorts itself out, although I think I’m going to have to seek professional help as its not getting any better.
We had an excellent Burns night supper at the Plume on Tuesday, which was traditional in every way except we had a female piper. The thought about what was worn under the kilt occurred to me until I saw her face, then the thought disappeared faster than my first dram of whiskey. Hangover the next morning continued into Thursday which has turned into flu – no not a man cold, but real flu, I know this because Bin has it too and we have both been in bed since Friday afternoon in severe pain. The true test came on Sunday morning when we ran out of paracetomal and cough medicine. There was nothing else for it but one of us was going to have to go to the supermarket. Bin couldn’t move without coughing her lungs out and although every muscle in my body hurt, I could at least move. I showered and threw on the nearest things I could find – a Rugby shirt and jogging bottoms and drove to the supermarket.
Now when you feel like shit, can barely walk, haven’t shaved for 3 days and look like shit, the whole town is out doing their ‘Sunday Morning shop’ which largely involves the wine aisle. After saying hello to half a dozen people and assuring them that I was fine and that I really must get home I got to the checkout only to find a friend in front of me.
‘Hey Crox, coming for a pint’ he greeted ‘Christ you look like shit’ he added. I explained the situation and that I needed to get home. However it seems that my trip to the super market had done me some good as I felt considerably better and my mate’s suggestion of a pint of Guinness suddenly seemed very appealing.
‘Thanks, but no, I’ve left Bin in bed and she’ll be worrying that I’m alright’
‘Fair enough, see you later in the week’ said my friend as we left.
There’s no way I could have gone to the pub wearing an All Blacks rugby shirt!