Sign by Danasoft - Myspace Layouts and Signs

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Anyone seen my LP?

I found a website yesterday which specialised in the registration of vintage guitars and registered my Ibanez Artist which is a rare 1977 model. I had to take a photo of it to send in along with the serial number. I also published the photo along with one of a Les Paul signed by Mike Rutherford that I own, on my home page (see links right) and this reminded me of a guitar I used to own.
This was a white 1973 Gibson Les Paul Custom, similar to the one pictured but with gold plated metal work and pickup covers. I changed the original Gibson Humbuckers to DiMarzio's.
Anyway the point of this is that I loved that guitar having saved for months to buy it in 1978. The only problem was that there was a guy who frequented the wine bar where I used to play who also loved it and was prepared to offer handsomely, only he couldn't afford it and anyway I didn't want to sell. Until one day he could stand it no longer - he had to have this guitar so he made me an offer I couldn't refuse, his Suzuki XL 250 motor bike which if I remember rightly was only a year old. So I did the deed.
Now I don't remember the chaps name, I don't think I ever saw him again, but I never made a note of the serial number and now they have registers for the whereabouts of these instruments I'd love to know what happened to it. I'm sure the bike's long in the scrap yard, I can't even remember what I did with it, but someone, somewhere is still loving that guitar. If anyone recognises this story email me.


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