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Monday, June 14, 2004

La Vorderman est tres populaire internationale

Through site meter I can see every ip address who visits this blog, it also gives the refering site address which if not my website address by someone already known, then they have arrived here via a search engine. The search string is shown as an active link and will list my site if any of the search words appear in any of my postings. I get quite a few when peoples are search ing for bands or artist that at some time or other I have mentioned.
The weird thing ever since I have mentioned Carole Vorderman, I have had loads of hits almost exclusively international. The Search queries have been : Vordermans Bum, Vordermans arse, Carol Vordermans, Knickers, Vordermans thong (used), Carol Vordermans tits - pictures of, Vordermans rump steak, Vordermans nipples pics etc.
It seems that the world is obsessed with La Vordermans body parts, but mainly here bum.


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