Good Luck Ellen

"I'm nervous still, wind all over the place, just shifted through 120's just in the clouds, it shouldn't be like this. Breeze is due to die but, until I can get out of this cloud mass, its going to be like this...its gone from 8 knots to 25 knots....that makes it very hard onboard, and we are heading all over the place...not good for our positioning on the Canary Islands ahead of us. Right now our boat speed is just 8 knots and I'm heading for the islands... Can't leave the boat for 5 minutes without something happening...hope it's going to stablise soon...
Dry mouth...not eating properly yet...not totally got my head in to this...going to try and fix the leak on the fresh water tank to make myself feel happier! Problem is that with the wind shifting all the time, I don't want to get stuck down below, as I keep having to rush on deck to trim the sheets."
This is the latest message from Ellen Macarthur at 10.00 gmt this morning. I forgot to add this earlier in the week but I wanted to wish Ellen all the very best of luck with her challenge to beat the 72 day record of sailing 26,000 miles around the world single handedly. She is 4 days in to the trip and currently 2 hours 24mins ahead of the current record holder. You can follw Ellens voyage via her web sight TEAM ELLEN, which gives the latest positions, upto date info and live web cams. Also some interesting facts about the challenge and the boat.
Good luck Ellen, from the sound of that last message she's going to need it. Go Ellen you can do it this time!
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