Picture left is El Presidente Manuel Young, the leader of the 3 man ruling military junta of The People's Republic of Eddington who I accompanied to Twickenham on Saturday to see England suffer at the hands of the Aussies. A very big thank you to JB for his hospitality and jovial company.
As you can see we got there early to avoid the queue for the Guiness Bar, You can just see our half time order lined up at the back.Although a cold but dry day the Guinness was serveved at what felt like sub freezing temperature contained in plastic pint cups which meant holding on to them became uncomfortable, the only solution was to drink as fast as you could. The only drawback to this was the combination of the cold inside and outside and the liquid volume resulted in several trips to the loo - along with 70,000 others at half time.

Shame about the score though, The Aussies didn't beat us, we managed it all on our own. Fly-half Charlie Hodgson missed two straight forward first-half penalties that England so desperately needed, given we were 12-0 adrift, while scrum-half Andy Gomarsall's missed conversion of Moody's last minute try was, frankly, laughable and to the amusemnet of the gobby aussie behind me who'd spent the whole match shouting that we were playing like a bunch of poof's and tauntingly at every missed kick shouted 'where's your Jonny now?' - unfortunately I had to agree with him.
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